Though there is and always will be risk, Western society right now is safer for its citizens than its ever been. So what are people so afraid of? Are there political and market drivers that keep us needlessly afraid? Of the "terrorist"? Of a less-than-perfect body? And how different might things be if we were only afraid of the truly fearful?
"What are fears but voices airy? Whispering harm where harm is not. And deluding the unwary. Till the fatal bolt is shot!"
On The Panel We Had
Andy Baggott, a healer, writer and spiritual teacher. Andy has studied with masters from many traditions including Celtic, Native American, South American and Chinese. His current work focuses on empowering people to connect with their inner wisdom so that they may achieve health, happiness and fulfilment. He is a trained acupuncturist, nutritionist and Tai Chi teacher as well as a practicing shaman from the Celtic tradition.
He lectures and teaches extensively as well as running a busy healing practice from his home in Somerset, England. He is author of twelve books including "Living the Zen Arts", "The Celtic Wheel of Life" and "Dream Power". His latest book, due for publication later this year, is called "Blissology - The Science and Art of Happiness".
David Saunders, working on projects that include renewable energy, eco-building and sustainable communities. David is a member of the 'momentum group' backing Bristol's 'European Green Capital' initiatives. His interest in environmental action grew out of experience in the chemical and computer industries in the UK, Silicon Valley and Europe. He has studied and taught the works of several popular business gurus (Tom Peter, Stephen Covey, Scott Peck, Peter Senge), and focuses now on zero emissions development (holistic, waste free growth) and appreciative inquiry (conversations that create a shared vision).
David learned Transcendental Meditation in 1973, training as a TM teacher in 1975, and has studied Indian Vedic Science and other wisdom systems, as well as taken part in group meditation projects which including experiments in bringing peace to trouble-spots - Syria and Iran. He is a builder, system designer, consultant and trainer whose interests include walking and sailing, western development tools and eastern wisdom traditions, high tech, and community.
Madame Divine, a sexy, black, highly skilled Professional Dominatrix. She describes herself as sadistic, cruel, and demanding, yet also sensual and fun. As a dominatrix Madame Divine works with the fears and anxieties of her slaves and submissives every day - some may say she exploits those fears, others that she eroticises them, others that she heals them.
Tony Walter, to the best of his knowledge, the world's only Professor of Death Studies; this at any rate, is his job title at the University of Bath. He is a sociologist who has researched, written, and lectured internationally on how societies organise, theorise and ritualise the deaths of their members. He also trains both clergy and secular funeral celebrants. He has lived in Widcombe for over thirty years; during this time he was for many years a freelance writer, and he has also worked in Bath as a tourist guide and builder's labourer.
The Entertainment Was
Live music from Melt The Tigers.
A Big Thank You To
Martin Tompkins for the photography, Jenna Graves of Snowglobe Events for production managing the event, promotion and consultancy support, Jonathan Turton-Smith for the lighting design, Chapel Arts for the space, SuperMegaActionPlus for the video animation, and JR Ryan for the original concept.

Note: Madam Divine preferred not to be identifiable.

